Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Anthology: Lunatic

Created by: Mel Casipit, Kai Castillo, Maika Ezawa, Paolo Herras, JP Palabon, Tepai Pascual, Brent Sabas and Redg Vicenete
Meganon Comics
(3.75/5 ★★★☆☆)

(Cover by Redg Vicente)

"It's a Mad World.
During the full moon, energies are heightened,
releasing five crazy stories from eight deranged
and outright insane comic book creators.
Lunatic is the new normal."

Lunatic is the first anthology created by Meganon Comics. It contains 5 stories.

The Good:
Most stories did a good part of creating a story related to the title of the book. We were given stories that lean on foolishness due to man's desire, curiosity, need for wealth and by having a sense of false integrity.

The best story among the 5 would be Contestant by Ezawa and Casipit. For those who, at one point in time, have been watching our local noontime shows, the darker version of these noontime shows was vividly depicted to be a horrific scene. It's Fear Factor meets Survivor for the elimination rounds of this show! A player needs to go through all those crazy challenges in order to play for the jackpot round. It's one heck of an insanely twisted noontime show that they had let us watch.

The Bad:
The one that didn't do well was the last story, Ghost Parade. It started with a kid disturbed by loud noises which was later on said to be the sound of his own heart beat. The story ended a bit fast so that it just left me raising an eyebrow in confusion as I reached the last page. The conclusion was really confusing if the boy has just died or if he experienced astral travel.

Personally, it was a disappointment reading that story most especially since it served as the closing story of this anthology. The first story did absolutely great to the extent that I was expecting the last one to give the same chilling feeling towards the end of this anthology.

A small detail was also confusing regarding to the title of the 4th story. There's a discrepancy on the last letter of the second word. The chapter mentions it to be Hoodie Fernandes, however, upon checking the first page of that story, one would notice that it is titled as Hoodie Fernandez. This is just a small error that could be seen in this anthology.

The Verdict:
Lunatic is a good anthology that could send chills to your bones.

This first anthology by Meganon Comics has been a nice way to showcase the talents of different comic book creators through the crazy stories in this comic book.

Close that TV. Remove that mask. Loosen up your strings. Lunatic deserves to be read even by sane individuals. Trust me. The gong doesn't need to be played yet.

"Good people can do bad things.
It doesn't make them bad.
It only makes them
good people who do bad things."

More of Meganon Comics can be seen at:
Facebook Page: "Meganon Comics"

* Breakdown of Rating:
★☆☆☆☆ -
★★☆☆☆ - Ghost Parade
★★★☆☆ - Hoodie Fernandes/z
★★★★☆ -
★★★★★ - Umbra, Strings, Contestant

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