Monday, October 21, 2013

Comics: Purifying Element ~ Hunt 1: Dark Lady 1

Illustration and Story by: Jake Vicente
Rated: OT / Older Teen Ages 16 +
Ink Jinks Comics
(4/5 ★★★)

"The streets was never been safe. Cars, buses and trucks hail in the morning. But at night, comes the hunter of the dark, the Aswang.

A creature that feeds on the flesh and sips the blood of it's victims.

Now with the creature wrecking havoc in town, it's up to Sean Razor and Kevin Wolf to stop the creature of darkness."

The strange title caught my attention which eventually led me into buying this comic. Although the cover art might not be that attractive, its title will get the attention and make a reader wonder what the story of this comic might be. Even though the cover art of the comic already gives a hint of the subject matter and what we should be expecting from the story.

The art of the comic is good. However, there are still some things that needs to be improved on such as getting the right proportions for the face of the characters at the different angles being focused. There's also the minor detail of being consistent in drawing the characters that must be carried out all throughout the comic. This is seen through the character of the owner of the bar "Tourniquet". I just noticed that in the lower leftmost panel of page 6, the character is drawn without any facial hair that is contrary to the ones drawn on pages 6 and 7. In the editing of the comic's text, I guess there were minor errors that might have escaped the eyes of the creator. These are seen in the synopsis written at the back cover of the comic, wherein few grammatical errors can be seen.

The story starts and ends with a victim of a creature famous in Filipino folklore due to its habit of eating an individual's internal organs, the Aswang. The story revolves around Kevin and Sean, who are now musicians after leaving their dark history of previously being involved in credit card fraud. After seeing the remains of a man with his guts ripped out of his body, they had an idea of what is happening in the town. They had thought of the creature to be an aswang, in which they say it usually nests in the north but somewhat has found its way into living into town and preying upon its citizens. From there, they conjured up a plan on how they would be able to capture the said creature.

In this first issue, there's just a small detail that I can't grasp. That's if Sean and Kevin are experienced in doing this "Aswang Hunting" or are they going to do it for the first time after seeing the remains of a victim it has preyed upon. In their conversations in a diner, it is a bit vague if they only know the normal whereabouts and biology of an aswang or they also had a first hand experience and dealt with it in the past. In general, this comic looks a bit interesting, I just wonder how the story would go in the next issue.

More of the creator's works can be seen at:
Facebook Page: "Estranger"

More of Ink Jinks Comics can be seen at:
Facebook Page: "Ink Jinks Comics"

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Comics: Ten Grand ~ Issue 2 (Cover Review)

Cover A: Ben Templesmith
Cover B: Bill Sienkiewicz

(Cover A on the left, Cover B on the right)

Story by: J. Michael Straczynski
Illustrated by: Ben Templesmith
Rated: M / Mature
Joe's Comics
Image Comics

I finally got the other cover for the 2nd issue of Ten Grand. For the 2nd issue, the two different covers were made by Ben Templesmith and Bill Sienkiewicz. The first cover that I was able to purchase was Cover B, which I had used to make the review for the 2nd issue of this comic. It took several weeks before I finally stumbled upon Cover A.

I'll first go over to the 1st cover. In here, the art looks to have been made mostly by pencil. In here, it showed the scene wherein Joe dies and has been given that precious 5 minutes with his love one, Laura. The artist has indeed managed to capture that scene depicting that precious moment, which is a nice event from this issue to be used as the cover. The only downside for me with this cover is the same concerns that I had with the irregular proportions that the artist did to Laura, which I also mentioned on the review of the 1st issue of this comic. It seems strange for me to see Laura, as drawn by Templesmith, to have large hands, which in this case is seen thru the large right hand. I guess it would have been a bit better if the hands were smaller in size. Just the right size or should I say the norm for a woman at the very least, since that is what I had been picturing since it was said over and over in the 1st issue that Laura was really beautiful.

On the other hand, Cover B's art appears to have been made thru the use of watercolors. In here, the scene is a combination of the three characters of the story. It is composed of the angel, whom Joe simply calls as Angel; Laura who appears to be in heaven; and Joe in which he is seen to be holding a gun.

In comparison among the two, I'd say that I prefer cover A more than cover B. It is because of the scene that it highlights for this issue of the comic. It shows the very root of the story despite a plot which involves angels and demons. It shows the unending and undying love of Joe to Laura, in which it is to be regarded literally in this story.

"Love is the only thing worth dying for. I should know. I've done it plenty of times." - Joe Fitzgerald

More of Ten Grand can be seen at:
Joe's Comics:
Image Comics, Inc.:

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Events: VISPRINT's October Treat

It has been a while since I last updated this blog. Well with the semestral break that I finally got from medical school, I'll try to post some reviews that I had been delaying. Well enough of that and let's move on to this good news from the publisher of most of the local books that I read and own.

VISPRINT, in celebration of its anniversary, is holding a treat for loyal customers this October 2013. It will be holding two promos for this month which will surely be enjoyed by book lovers. The first is the "Warehouse Sale", which is conducted on all Saturdays of October. In here, books ranging from novels up to comics are on sale for 20-40% off. It really is a treat which could also be used as a way to get some of your Christmas shopping of books for your love ones be finished right away from your Christmas list.

The second treat, which is mostly for those who cannot go to the Warehouse Sale, is their conduction of a "Free Shipping Promo". This is added by having a Php. 100 rebate for every Php. 500 worth of purchases. 

These promos are indeed a nice Halloween treat and an early Christmas gift that Visprint gave to us. Make sure to be able to do your purchases right away since these promos will only occur for the month of October 2013.

More information about VISPRINT can be seen at:
Facebook Page: "VISPRINT"

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