Friday, August 16, 2013

Comics: Lagro: Ang Kalapating Mukhang Manok

Story and Illustration by: Jez and Richard Arguilla
Kama Komiks
(3/5 ★★★☆☆)

This is one of the comics that I had bought at the Indieket 2013. It is one of those random comics that I often buy from an artist, writer, or a group whose works I had not seen before. It was the art of a chicken and its title which caught my attention while browsing the event catalog. that eventually lead me into buying this comic.

The story is about Lagro, who is a pigeon that looks like a chicken, that decides to go solo and leave the comfort of his friends who always makes jokes about his physical features. He also did this in order to prove to himself and to others that he can survive on his own without the help of his friends. He was a stubborn pigeon that learns in the end that to be able to live in this world there would always be moments wherein you'll be needing somebody's help. It just proves the moral of the saying, "No man is an island" or in this case an animal.

I would say that this is one good comic. This could be great in teaching values to little kids. The art definitely expresses that. The art, even though it is simple had a very expressive drawing on the characters that had done a lot in helping the story telling process. The only downside with this comic was that there were a lot of grammatical errors, which might have not been noticed right away by the creators. There were also a lot of typographical errors that can be found such as wrong spellings or repetition of words.

In general this would have been a great comic, if only those errors were avoided. The text contents of this comic should have been checked thoroughly before finalizing in making copies of it to be distributed.

More works of the creators of this comic can be seen at:
Facebook Page: "Catch Comics"
Facebook Page: "Kama Komiks"

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