Illustration and Story by: Tsambolero (Raphael Unta)
(5/5 ★★★★★)
"Ang Jowa Kong Crosswise follows the life and times of Tomas and Leo, who -- for all the world -- look like any other yuppie same-sex couple in their twenties. They, too, fight about all those domestic things long-term couples bicker about. But then again, Tomas and Leo are no ordinary couple, and it's not because they're gay. Tomas is a bloodthirsty, self-segmenting, folkoric creature of the night, while Leo is ... well, just Leo."
The Plot:
Late for work? Grab is still 10 minutes away? It looks like a job for Leo's crosswise partner.
The Good:
The story and art are really loveable to look at. The creator did a great job in this online comic.
The Bad:
The only bad thing is this is only 4 panels long.
The Verdict:
Tsambolero gives us a sweet and hilarious take on an interesting same-sex couple that involves different creatures, wherein their main focus is love. This episode ends with the lower half of Tomas still polishing the floor with a coconut husk.
The artist made an adorable couple in the image of Tomas and Leo where readers will keep on coming back for that 'kilig' feeling.
He can be seen at:
Twitter: @Tsambolero
More of Ang Jowa Kong Crosswise can be seen at:
Penlab: "Ang Jowa Kong Crosswise"