Written by: Ralph Semino Galán
University of Santo Tomas Publishing House
(3.875/5 ★★★☆☆)
(Cover by Wilfredo Offemaria)
"From poem to poem where a symbolic figure From the Major Arcana bears the oracle, Ralph Semino Galán speaks in simple diction rooted in our contemporary scene of the hidden poetry unraveling in word and in deed everywhere; Everyman then must read close and well the card he plays through all the peril and uncertainty of his days and works whereby he achieves wisdom, all dualities abolished, and the Self one with all Reality, visible and invisible." - Gemino H. Abad
The Good:
Each tarot card inspired poem did a different kind of reading for the reader.
Each card told different types of stories that pertains to different personalities and realities.
The best poem in this collection would be the Hermit card which symbolizes reflection. It talks about the unending cycle of ignorance that man chooses or fails to see immediately. Mainly it is failing to listen to the wisdom and warnings of the elders. The horrible past experiences that elders wished the youth would not suffer, tends to be ignored and ridiculed.
Alongside with the wonderful poems are the illustrations that have been made to each card. Each details within each pictures have been meticulously conceptualized so as to match the wordings of the poet. The most noteworthy illustrations are the Star and the Moon cards. They compliment each other and looks great to be displayed in one's house.
The Bad:
As with reading one's fortune, there will be a time wherein the cards' message is difficult to decipher.
The same goes to the High Priestess card. Its message of intuition is confusing to understand. The reflection that the card reveals can leave one in doubt as to how to get the idea being given by the lady who intends to keep quiet.
The Verdict:
As the reading of one's life is unveiled with each tarot card. Galán manages to portray the current problems and issues that face our society.
Combined with the wonderful art of Offemaria, the poet and the painter have managed to bring to life these tarot cards. Their message flows through the reader as one is expected to be able to achieve when dealing with tarot cards.
The experience brings back the reality of how tarot card readers interpret the cards we pick as we ask the questions that troubles our inner self.
* Breakdown of Rating:
★☆☆☆☆ -
★★☆☆☆ - High Priestess, Chariot, The Last Card
★★★☆☆ - Fool, Magician, Lovers, Hanged Man, Death, Temperance
★★★★☆ - Empress, Emperor, Tower, Moon, Sun, Judgement
★★★★★ - A Reading, Hierophant, Strength, Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, Devil, Star, World